This CLE was originally presented as part of the PLF’s 2020 “Learning the Ropes” program, a practical skills seminar for new admittees to the Oregon State Bar and lawyers entering private practice in Oregon.  In 2020, this annual program was a virtual conference taking place over four days on Zoom.  

The full 2020 program includes individual CLE presentations on developing a successful practice and avoiding legal malpractice; practical courtroom tips from judges; practice management advice on setting up effective office systems; ethics tips; presentations by lawyers working in various practice settings and areas of law; mental health and substance use education; and access to justice.

Presenter:  Cecilia K. Nguyen

This program qualifies for Oregon Practice and Procedure credit.

Topic: Malpractice Avoidance
Date: 10/28/2020
Credits:.75 (OR Practice & Procedure) - PS
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:72903
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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